Press Releases Archives
May, 2012
- May 31, 2012
- Financial results for the month ended April 30, 2012
- May 31, 2012
- Monetary Statistics for April 2012
- May 31, 2012
- International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity
- May 31, 2012
- Exchange Fund Abridged Balance Sheet and Currency Board Account
- May 31, 2012
- Provisional statistics of retail sales for April 2012
- May 31, 2012
- Hong Kong ranked world's most competitive economy for second consecutive year
- May 30, 2012
- CS speaks on population policy
- May 30, 2012
- Government releases Steering Committee on Population Policy Progress Report 2012
- May 30, 2012
- Speech by CS on population policy
- May 29, 2012
- Expert Group on Hong Kong-Guangdong Financial Co-operation meets today
- May 29, 2012
- Government launches iBond
- May 26, 2012
- Hong Kong Global Geopark of China signs sixth sister arrangement
- May 16, 2012
- First meeting of Hong Kong/Guangdong Joint Liaison Group on Combating Climate Change held in Guangzhou
- May 16, 2012
- Invest Hong Kong ranked top in Asia in World Bank global survey
- May 15, 2012
- SCED co-chairs meeting of Steering Group on Shenzhen/Hong Kong Co-operation in Innovation and Technology
- May 15, 2012
- SCED concludes his visit to Japan
- May 15, 2012
- SCED's speech at "Think Global, Think Hong Kong" Symposium in Osaka
- May 15, 2012
- Chief Executive-elect appeals to talents to join political team
- May 15, 2012
- Unemployment and underemployment statistics for February - April 2012
- May 15, 2012
- Cultural project launched to promote exchanges between HK and Japan
- May 15, 2012
- Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade in March 2012
- May 14, 2012
- SCED continues his visit to Sendai in Japan
- May 13, 2012
- SCED to visit Japan
- May 12, 2012
- DAFC attends 5th International UNESCO Conference on Geoparks
- May 11, 2012
- Economic situation in the first quarter of 2012 and latest GDP and price forecasts for 2012
- May 7, 2012
- Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Task Force on Boundary District Development holds eighth meeting
- May 7, 2012
- Hong Kong's latest foreign currency reserve assets figures released
- May 6, 2012
- Transcript of remarks by CS
- May 4, 2012
- Transcript of media session on reorganisation proposals for Government Secretariat
- May 4, 2012
- Chief Executive-elect welcomes endorsement of proposed reorganisation by Chief Executive in Council
- May 4, 2012
- ExCo endorses reorganisation of Government Secretariat
- May 3, 2012
- Provisional statistics of restaurant receipts and purchases for the first quarter of 2012 released
- May 3, 2012
- Provisional statistics of retail sales for March 2012
- May 3, 2012
- Land Registry statistics for April
- May 3, 2012
- Infiniti's global headquarters' move to Hong Kong highlights FDI trend
Last Updated: July 29, 2019