Press Releases Archives
March, 2020
- March 31, 2020
- CHP investigates 32 additional cases of COVID-19
- March 31, 2020
- Pet cat tests positive for COVID-19 virus
- March 31, 2020
- Postal services to certain destinations suspended
- March 31, 2020
- Monetary Statistics for February 2020
- March 31, 2020
- Financial results for the 11 months ended February 29, 2020
- March 31, 2020
- Hong Kong's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position statistics for fourth quarter of 2019 and whole year of 2019
- March 31, 2020
- Provisional statistics of retail sales for February 2020
- March 31, 2020
- Transcript of remarks by CE at media session before ExCo meeting
- March 31, 2020
- Free Trade Agreement and Investment Agreement between Hong Kong and ASEAN take effect for the Philippines
- March 30, 2020
- CHP investigates 41 additional cases of COVID-19
- March 30, 2020
- Hong Kong's Gross National Income and external primary income flows for the fourth quarter of 2019 and whole year of 2019
- March 30, 2020
- Chain volume measures of Gross Domestic Product by economic activity for the fourth quarter of 2019 and the whole year of 2019
- March 30, 2020
- Survey results of 2019 Annual Earnings and Hours Survey released
- March 30, 2020
- CHP investigates 59 additional cases of COVID-19
- March 28, 2020
- CHP investigates 64 additional cases of COVID-19
- March 28, 2020
- Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation
- March 27, 2020
- CHP investigates 65 additional cases of COVID-19
- March 27, 2020
- Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirement and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation gazette
- March 27, 2020
- Transcript of remarks of press conference
- March 27, 2020
- Postal services to certain destinations suspended
- March 27, 2020
- Global Financial Centres Index Report
- March 26, 2020
- CHP investigates 43 additional cases of COVID-19
- March 26, 2020
- Pet dog further tests positive for antibodies for COVID-19 virus
- March 26, 2020
- External merchandise trade statistics for February 2020
- March 26, 2020
- Wage and payroll statistics for December 2019
- March 26, 2020
- Statistics on trade involving outward processing in the mainland of China, fourth quarter 2019
- March 25, 2020
- DH sets up temporary specimen collection centre to speed up specimen collection from inbound travellers from overseas
- March 25, 2020
- CHP investigates 24 additional cases of COVID-19
- March 24, 2020
- Government welcomes various sectors to help strengthen social distancing
- March 24, 2020
- CHP to further extend Enhanced Laboratory Surveillance Programme
- March 24, 2020
- Government steps up enforcement against breaches of quarantine orders and appeals to public to report breaches
- March 24, 2020
- CHP investigates 30 additional cases of COVID-19
- March 24, 2020
- Compulsory Quarantine of Certain Persons Arriving at Hong Kong (Amendment) Regulation 2020 gazetted
- March 24, 2020
- Provisional statistics on index of industrial production and producer price index for the industrial sector for the fourth quarter of 2019 and the whole year of 2019
- March 24, 2020
- Quarterly business receipts indices for service industries for the fourth quarter of 2019 and the whole year of 2019
- March 24, 2020
- Government announces enhancements to anti-epidemic measures in four aspects
- March 23, 2020
- Transcript of remarks of press conference
- March 23, 2020
- CHP investigates 39 additional cases of COVID-19
- March 23, 2020
- Consumer Price Indices for February 2020
- March 22, 2020
- CHP investigates 44 additional cases of COVID-19
- March 22, 2020
- Government places vigorous enforcement efforts on regulation on compulsory quarantine of persons arriving at Hong Kong from foreign places
- March 22, 2020
- Government announces enhanced measures for disease control
- March 21, 2020
- Transcript of remarks of press conference
- March 21, 2020
- CHP investigates 17 additional cases of COVID-19
- March 20, 2020
- CHP investigates 48 additional cases of COVID-19 and improves the samples collection arrangement under the Enhanced Laboratory Surveillance Programme
- March 20, 2020
- Transcript of remarks by SCED at media session
- March 19, 2020
- Temporary test centres speed up tests for people upon arrival
- March 19, 2020
- CE inspects compulsory quarantine measures at Hong Kong International Airport
- March 19, 2020
- CHP investigates 16 additional cases of COVID-19
- March 19, 2020
- Pet dog tests positive for COVID-19 virus
- March 19, 2020
- CHP further extends Enhanced Laboratory Surveillance Programme to cover inbound travellers under quarantine from abroad
- March 19, 2020
- Volume and Price Statistics of External Merchandise Trade in January 2020
- March 19, 2020
- CHP investigates 25 additional cases of COVID-19
- March 19, 2020
- Transcript of remarks by SFH at media session at Hong Kong International Airport
- March 18, 2020
- Exemption arrangement under Compulsory Quarantine of Persons Arriving at Hong Kong from Foreign Places Regulation
- March 18, 2020
- LCQ14: Issues relating to the novel coronavirus epidemic
- March 18, 2020
- LCQ9: Relief measures of the Government
- March 18, 2020
- LCQ5: Impacts of novel coronavirus epidemic on Hong Kong
- March 18, 2020
- LCQ19: Promoting development of innovation and technology
- March 18, 2020
- CHP investigates 10 additional cases of COVID-19
- March 17, 2020
- DH to further extend health quarantine arrangements on inbound travellers from overseas
- March 17, 2020
- Government issues Red Outbound Travel Alert on all overseas countries/territories
- March 17, 2020
- Hong Kong rated as world's second freest economy
- March 17, 2020
- Unemployment and Underemployment Statistics for December 2019 - February 2020
- March 17, 2020
- Construction output for fourth quarter and whole year of 2019
- March 17, 2020
- Transcript of remarks by CE at media session before ExCo meeting
- March 16, 2020
- CHP investigates nine additional cases of COVID-19
- March 15, 2020
- CHP investigates seven additional cases of COVID-19
- March 15, 2020
- DH to further strengthen health quarantine arrangements on inbound travellers from overseas
- March 15, 2020
- CHP investigates four additional cases of COVID-19
- March 13, 2020
- CHP investigates six additional cases of COVID-19
- March 13, 2020
- DH to further extend and adjust health quarantine arrangements on inbound travellers from overseas
- March 12, 2020
- CHP investigates two additional cases of COVID-19
- March 12, 2020
- Public reminded of health quarantine arrangements on inbound travellers from overseas and urged to pay attention to overseas situation of COVID-19 outbreak
- March 12, 2020
- Blood test result of pet dog with low-level infection of COVID-19 released
- March 12, 2020
- Response to US report on human rights
- March 11, 2020
- CHP investigates nine additional cases of COVID-19
- March 11, 2020
- World Justice Project reaffirms Hong Kong's position in the Rule of Law Index
- March 10, 2020
- CHP investigates five additional cases of COVID-19
- March 10, 2020
- Statistics on vessels, port cargo and containers for the fourth quarter of 2019
- March 10, 2020
- Transcript of remarks by CE at media session before ExCo meeting
- March 9, 2020
- CHP investigates additional case of COVID-19
- March 9, 2020
- Public consultation on Legislative Council Election proposed guidelines commences
- March 8, 2020
- CHP investigates five additional cases of COVID-19
- March 7, 2020
- CHP investigates two additional cases of COVID-19
- March 7, 2020
- Transcript of remarks by SFH at media session
- March 6, 2020
- DH strengthens health declaration measure at Hong Kong International Airport and urges the public to delay non-essential travel outside Hong Kong
- March 6, 2020
- CHP investigates three additional cases of COVID-19
- March 6, 2020
- Annual Report on the Consumer Price Index 2019 published
- March 6, 2020
- CE and politically appointed officials donate remuneration to Community Chest
- March 5, 2020
- First batch of Hong Kong residents stranded in Hubei Province return to Hong Kong safely
- March 4, 2020
- CHP investigates four additional cases of COVID-19
- March 4, 2020
- HKMA's response to US Fed's rate cut
- March 3, 2020
- Airmail services from Korea resumed
- March 3, 2020
- Transcript of remarks by CE at media session before ExCo meeting
- March 2, 2020
- CHP investigates additional case of COVID-19
- March 2, 2020
- Law and order situation in 2019
- March 2, 2020
- Provisional statistics of retail sales for January 2020
- March 1, 2020
- CHP investigates three additional cases and two probable cases of COVID-19
- March 1, 2020
- Government condemns vandalism by rioters
Last Updated: April 02, 2020